Report from Sports Director

Altogether ICSD shall have 17 Technical Directors for summer sports and 5 Technical Directors for winter sports.  Since we have one vacant technical director position for cross country skiing, I welcome applications.

Due to increased number of international competitions prior to the Deaflympics, I note that our Technical Directors will have to work more. This means that the Technical Directors must demonstrate special attributes and qualities. It is important that the Technical Directors bring along the willingness, the reliability, the accuracy and the meticulousness e.g. the role and the responsibility for the ICSD.

See below the general list of expected roles and responsibilities to which the Technical Directors shall adhere:

  • Be responsible for efficient and effective management of the events during the selected term
  • Be fully knowledgeable of the latest rules and regulations of the respective sport at international standards
  • Where and when required, be available to oversee the competition at World Championships
  • Liaise with ICSD Secretariat and National Associations in developing procedures and rules for conduct of the respective sport at the Deaflympics and/or World Championships
  • Advise and assist the local organizing committee in preparation of rules and schedules for the respective sport program of the Deaflympics
  • Serve as an official representative of the ICSD on the Commission as established by the local organizing committee
  • Record non-participation of athletes who have registered but failed to start at the Deaflympics and World Championships and provide report to the Sports Director
  • Provide complete results to the Secretariat at the end of daily competition during Deaflympics and World Championships
  • Write a technical report along with full results and submit to the Secretariat no later than 1 month after the conclusion of the Deaflympics and World Championships

I look forward to receiving applications for the cross country skiing position, as well as from prospective candidates for other positions to be filled after the 2009 Summer Deaflympics.


Josef Willmerdinger
ICSD Sports Director

By Josef Willmerdinger