IPC and CISS Meeting
IPC and CISS Meeting
16 December 2003
IOC Headquarters-Lausanne, Switzerland
Attendees: Donalda Ammons (CISS Secretary General/Interim President), Xavier Gonzales (IPC Liaison Officer), Tiffany Granfors (CISS Administrator), and Diane Morton (Interpreter)
- Mr. Xavier Gonzales indicated that he did not foresee any major problems in renewing the CISS-IPC Agreement with the 4 points outlined in the Agreement.
- Ammons will prepare the Agreement and send to Gonzales in January 2004.
- It was mutually agreed that the formal signing between IPC and CISS should take place during GAISF Congress in May 2004 to have better media coverage. Gonzales agreed to coordinate it.
- Both Ammons and Gonzales agreed to meet on a more regular basis in order to foster better working relationship and mutual understanding.
- Both IPC and CISS must work together to find solutions in educating NPC and National members of CISS about DEAFLYMPICS.
- Gonzales pointed out that some countries are well-informed about Deaflympics and IPC being separated but yet chose to keep deaf under their DSO (Holland and Norway as example)
- Both have to work jointly and deal with each country individually since its structure is dealt differently.
- Gonzales would like to have a priority list of countries which need immediate attention.
- IPC is now in process of rewriting constitutions and bylaws and will be sure to revise to reflect Deaflympics correctly.
- Ms. Tiffany Granfors will forward the definition/criteria of 55db hearing loss to IPC.
- Granfors will send IPC a list of CISS resources needs.
- Granfors will send Gonzales the new Logo Announcement.
- There would be no IPC General Assembly held in conjunction with the Paralympic Games. The most recent was in November 2003.
- The general feeling is that IPC does really want to work with us-Deaflympics.