Headquarters Location

ICSD Office with desk and flag, overlooking scenic French mountains through a tall window.

Dear Members,

In pursuit of operational efficiency, ICSD is undergoing a strategic reevaluation of its location. Under the directive of the ICSD Executive Board, we are actively exploring opportunities to relocate the organisation's legal seat, headquarters, and operational hub from its current location in Lausanne, Switzerland

Despite Lausanne's status as a hub for international sports federations, operating from this location presents significant financial challenges for ICSD.

To facilitate this transition, we encourage member federations with favourable relationships with their respective governments to initiate discussions and solicit proposals for ICSD's relocation. Many countries offer attractive support packages, including financial incentives, to attract international sports organisations such as ours.

The ICSD Executive Board will meticulously evaluate all received proposals, and if the conditions meet, we will present a relocation proposal at the upcoming ICSD Congress.

We extend our gratitude in advance for your assistance and collaboration in this endeavour.

Deadline: 15 June 2024

On behalf of the ICSD,

Dr. Adam Kosa