37th CISS Congress Minutes - Rome 2001
20-21 July 2001 at the Hotel Jolly Midas
- Opening & Welcome
President Lovett opened the 37th session of CISS Congress at 9:43 by extending a warm Welcome. He then allowed some delegates to come forward with their concerns about the organization of the Games. Concerns were relating to transportation, admission passes, and media. Mr. Mario Carulli, Chairman of the Rome Organizing Committee promised to have all problems taken care of immediately. Mr. Carulli apologized to the Member Countries for having to pay so much, he promised to reimburse for the problem each country has faced.
President Lovett then invited Ms. Liisa Kauppinen, President of World Federation of the Deaf, to come forward and explain about the organization.One minute's silence in honour of the deceased
- Harry Förster (GER)
- Oscar Rodriguez (ARG)
- 4 Austrian Skiers: Josef Schaupper, Karl Hutteger, Sandra Mayr, Stefan Mohr (AUT)
- Florian Göbel (GER)
- Erol Erfant (TUR)
- Roll Call
Secretary General Ammons conducted roll call- a total of 61 countries with 122 eligible votes
- Appointment of Scrutineers
Approved President Lovett's appointment of Jerald Jordan, Jo-Anne Robinson, and Reed Gershwind as scrutineers.
- Confirmation of 36th Congress Minutes
Approved with a minor change- the Winter Games were held in 1959 in Vermala, Switzerland, not in 1949 in Crans Montana as previously printed. President Lovett asked that in the future, CISS Secretariat should be informed immediately of any errors.
- Approval of Membership applications
A total of ten (10) countries applied for membership, as follows: Armenia, Chile, Ghana, Guinea, Malta, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, & Uruguay
Approved. Certificates were presented to each new nation member.
- CISS EC Report (1999-2001)
It was already distributed to all delegates prior to the Congress. Approved.
Questions and comments:
- Algeria: the national government needs to hear more about CISS because it wanted the Algerian Deaf Sports Federation to be under Paralympics. Luckily, it was able to convince government to stay with CISS. CISS needs to create strategies for more visible exposure and approach all govt/ministries.
- Australia: Want to recognize and applaud for the name change- Deaflympics.
- Malaysia: Paralympics has control of our budget. We almost couldn't come. We want to change that and have the government give money directly to Malaysia Deaf Sports.
- USA: We face the same problem as Malaysia, so we need immediate information from CISS which would help with our dialogue with USOC and US Disabled Sports with a much stronger case. President Lovett responded by saying that CISS used to have an agreement with IPC but since CISS's withdrawal from IPC, the agreement has then become non-existent. We need a new agreement. IOC President Samaranch suggested that CISS and IOC create a new agreement that would help IPC and all national paralympic committees understand the autonomy of CISS.
- Croatia: Thanks for a big improvement in CISS's progress and for helping Croatia be independent from the disabled sports organizations. We will grow and bring a larger team to Australia in 2005.
- Russia: We have same problems as other countries. We also recognize that CISS E.C. works hard and helps Russia. With the letter from IOC about the change of the name really helped and it gave more recognition to the Deaf Sport Federation in Russia. Thank you! Now we especially need the IOC and CISS Agreement to help us. It will make our job easier.
- Chile: The government wanted to send them to Paralympics. After the IOC letter about the name change, the government then allowed them compete in deaf sports only. Now it needs a formal letter from CISS that says Chile is a new member of CISS. President Lovett said he would ask IOC for an original letter dated 16 May from IOC President Samaranch. CISS only has a faxed copy, not the original letter that never arrived.
- Romania: It has lots of problems. When first receiving the lOC letter, we were thrilled but we did not know where and whom to contact in Romania. We were sent to many different people, making it extremely tiring. An official agreement with IOC will help the government understand the importance of Deaflympics. We were only able to bring 15 athletes with so many good elite athletes at home!
- Finance Reports (1999-2000)
Ole Artmann provided a file attachment of Finance Report
- Proposals from CISS EC and Nation Members
a) Amendments to CISS Constitution
(2.1) current:"The name of the incorporated association shall be "Comité International des Sports des Sourds" or "CISS" Proposed: add "International Committee of Sport of the Deaf".
Rationale: CISS is officially using both names in French and English titles on letterhead.
CISS's response: The definition of CISS has already been introduced in the Preface.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
(2.2) current:"The CISS operates under international law and is subject to the law of the country of its incorporation or registration."
Proposed: delete "international law."
Rationale: What is international law? If any international law, it must be specified. If CISS Secretariat is situated in USA, would it be under American law?
CISS's response: With the incorporation of CISS in the United Kingdom, international law is fully recognized and strictly adhered.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
(10.2.4) current:"Full members may be represented by a maximum of two delegates having one vote each."
Proposed: add-"The delegates may be allowed to bring their own sign language interpreters at their own cost, if they do not understand international sign language and English. CISS also shall provide voice interpreter in English, free of charge for all member countries."
Rationale: Many delegates don't understand everything at the Congress. At WFD Congresses, many delegates are already using their own sign language interpreters.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee does not support this.
Outcome: Failed- Yes-9, No- 62, with 18 abstained
(10.4.1) current:"The Executive Committee of the CISS shall consist of the following office bearers: President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, two members and President or his appointee from each Regional Confederation."
Proposed: add "One Assistant Secretary"
Rationale: to help Secretary General with different matters at the office.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee does not support this, since CISS has hired a part time administrative assistant.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
( current: "The President or his appointee from each Regional Confederation"
Proposed: add "One Sport Officer" on Executive Committee.
Rationale: to work with CISS technical delegates and world championships and sports calendar.
CISS's response: CISS supports this
Outcome: Approved, Yes-67, No-11, with 17 abstained
(10.4.2) current: "All members of the Executive Committee must be a Deaf person fluent in international signs"
Proposed: add "fluent in international signs and English."
Rationale: All EC members must have a better working command of English and can then work more independently among themselves. CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee rejects this as it would reduce the number of candidates for the CISS Executive Committee. Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
( current: "to formulate and approve rules of procedure and by-laws"
Proposed: add "to formulate and approve procedure and by-laws for decision by the Congress."
Rationale: The current text does not exactly say which body has the power- the Congress or the CISS EC.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee does not support it, as both the constitution and by-laws are closely related.
Outcome: Not approved, Yes- 4, No-68, with 11 abstained
( current "to determine and dispatch to all Members the agenda for the Congress not later than two months prior to the date of the proposed Congress"
Proposed: add "the agenda with all materials (motions, proposals, report, finance relating to the Congress) should be sent at least 2 months in advance."
Rationale: We need more time to have materials translated in our own native languages prior to the Congress.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee agrees and supports this.
Outcome: All in agreement without formal vote
(17) current "CISS may from time to time make by-laws, rules and regulations for the conduct of the CISS. The by-laws shall be set out in an appendix to this Constitution."
Proposed: add "CISS Congress…"
Rationale: This point must be specified because CISS EC cannot have so much power outside of the Congress. By laws, Rules and Regulations are matters for the Congress. This point seems to be in conflict with 11.1.2, which shows that Congress shall approve By-laws, Rules and Regulations.
CISS's response: CISS may from time to time make announcements and other matters for the conduct of CISS. CISS cannot wait for two (2) years before the next Congress for changes.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
- Proposals from CISS EC and Nation Members
b) Deaflympic Games Regulations SWEDEN
Proposal: The opening ceremony at the Summer and Winter Deaflympic Games should take place before the competitions start.
CISS response: the problem lies with the maxiumum number of teams for team sports. It is now 16 teams. It is suggested that we wait until we vote on whether or not to reduce from 16 to 12 teams
Outcome: Agreed to wait until the vote on 12/16 teams
Proposal: Separate the male and female shooting competitions in reference to the preliminary registration.
CISS's response: CISS EC does not support due the fact there are not enough women competitors to warrant a separate competition.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
Proposal: Hold Deaf and Winter Deaflympic Games during the same year as the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games are held.
CISS's response: CISS EC does not support this as it would cause more problems in logistics and manpower.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
Proposal: Reduce the maximum number for team sports from 16 teams to 12. It would reduce the number of days of the Deaflympic Games, therefore cost would be saved and logistics for competitions would be easier to organize as well.
CISS's response: this is possible to have 16 teams compete within a ten-day period with a new competition format.
Outcome: Not approved- Yes- 2, No-80, with 10 abstained
Proposal: add two new sports for the 2005 Summer Deaflympic Games-Beach Volleyball and Triathlon
CISS's response: Since beach volleyball is a discipline within the sport of volleyball, it is not necessary to apply as a new sport. It will be offered at the 2005 DeaflympicGames in Melbourne. Triathlon is a separate sport with its own governing body and will need to apply as a new sport. It is suggested that an international triathlon tournament be held first before adding it as a new sport.
Outcome: Agreed to wait on triathlon, but beach volleyball will be inaugurated in Melbourne, pending facilities and costs.
Proposal: add Netball as a new sport in the Deaflympics
CISS's response: not in favor, similar to the reasons for triathlon.
Outcome: No action as no Zambian delegates were present.
Proposal: Revert the CISS Congress' decision on qualification of team sports based on performance in regional championships.
CISS's response: CISS EC supports it if it is the wish of the Congress. If approved, CISS will take responsibility for qualifying rounds and communicate with each regional confederation to determine the format.
Outcome: Approved- Yes-63, No-7, with 25 abstained
Proposal: CISS authorizes regional confederation to decide team sports (choose from winners in regional championship/Games) to compete in team sports at the Deaflympic Games.
Rationale: This proposal will help avoid the situation where a team withdraws from APGD and then competes in Deaflympics in Rome. We encountered some serious problems with this kind of withdrawal!
Outcome: All in favor of this concept and will be studied by CISS EC.
Proposal: The Organizing Committee of the Deaflympic Games shall arrange free lodging for all CISS nations.
CISS's response: This would add a heavy financial burden on the local organizing committee and may discourage countries to place a bid to host the Games.
Outcome: withdrawal of the proposal
Proposal: Change the date of the 2005 Deaflympic Games to sometime between April 2005 and October 2005.
Rationale: In January it is wintertime in Europe and there are no practice possibilities for athletes in summer sports.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee does not support this as the rights to host the Summer Games were awarded to Melbourne, based on the information that the event would be held in January 2005.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
Proposal: Hold an election of the CISS Technical Officer at the technical meetings during the Deaflympic Games.
Rationale: The Technical Officer of the nation are experts in their sports and they are able to judge at best, who of them is qualified enough to act as a CISS Technical Officer.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee supports this concept.
Outcome: Approved unanimously
Proposal: Delete the word "Delegate" for Technical Delegate and replace it with the word "Director"; i.e. CISS Technical Director in Swimming.
CISS's response: While CISS EC prefers the wording "Officer" it accepts that the majority at the workshop voted in favor of the word "Director"
Outcome: Director accepted without votes to replace Delegate
Proposal: The CISS Executive Committee must approve all posters of the future Deaflympic Games first before they are officially released.
CISS's response: it is already in the Deaflympic Regulations.
Outcome: No action necessary
Proposal: An official Games poster shall include the roman numeral , i.e. XVth Deaflympics.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee does not support this since the roman numeral is not used worldwide.
Outcome: Not approved- Yes-2, No- 83, with 2 abstained.
Proposal: An official poster of the Games must be include such words "Under the Patronage of the International Olympic Committee" on it, I.e. XV Deaflympic Winter Games under the Patronage of the International Olympic Committee.
CISS's response: CISS EC supports this and will pursue this with IOC on adding "under the patronage of IOC" on official posters, pending the IOC/CISS agreement to be signed in the near future.
Outcome: No action necessary
President Lovett then asked the delegates to approve the Deaflympic Games regulations. Approved unanimously
- Proposals from CISS EC and Nation Members
c) World Championships Regulations
Proposal: Dresse and Maere Cup be changed to World Championships in Tennis.
CISS's response: Dresse and Maere Tennis Cup follows the format of Davis Cup, not the world championships format.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
Proposal: Allow advertising/sponsorship on competition uniforms during the Deaf World Championships.
Rationale: Participants of the Deaf World Championships should be allowed to wear advertising provided by sponsors with items max 200 cm2 totally on each participant on sports clothing. However, in some sports where advertising is not allowed at all, we then must be follow rules of advertising and sponsorship by International Sport Federation.
CISS's response: acceptable and reasonable
Outcome: Approved, Yes-82, No-3, with 9 abstained.
- Proposals from CISS EC and Nation Members
d) Miscellaneous
Proposal: Adopt the new CISS logo for a new flag, to replace the current CISS flag.
CISS's response: CISS EC favors this, effective by the 2003 Winter Deaflympic Games and wishes to preserve the old flag in archives.
Outcome: Approved unanimously
Proposal: CISS secretariat distributes the minutes of Congress and EC Meetings within 3 months after the conclusion of the meeting.
Rationale: The executive summary as printed in the bulletin is often too brief to understand the exact message from CISS.
CISS's response: The 36th CISS Congress minutes (in Davos) were mailed within the 3-month period. This is not a problem. However, the minutes of CISS Executive Committee are solely for the CISS EC. A detailed copy can be obtained upon request from the Archives.
Outcome: Withdrawal of the proposal
Proposal: The USD $50 annual membership fee be applied only to developing countries (per United Nations' list)
Outcome: Approved- Yes-84, No-1 with 2 abstained.
Proposal: The Deaflympic Games participation fee for every athlete and official be increased to USD $25, effective in 2003.
Rationale: CISS must work more and be more visible and travel more, with 2 CISS EC meetings each year.
Outcome: Originally the $25 proposal was voted out. Then there was a following proposal to reduce the original proposed fee of $25 to $20. Approved- Yes-94, No-3, with 2 abstained.
- World Championships (2002-2012)
The following events have been approved
Year 2003 a. bowling (men/women) 1-7 April Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. b. orienteering (men/women) 1-7 April Megido, Israel c. badminton (men/women) 20-28 October Sofia. Bulgaria
Year 2004 a. golf (men/women) July Stockholm, Sweden b. wrestling (men) 5-12 October Sofia, Bulgaria - Final Report from 1999 Winter Deaf World Games- Davos
Walter Zaugg, President of Swiss Deaf Sports Federation (SGSV) presented a five minute report with a complimentary videotape of the Winter Games for CISS Archives.
- Updated Report from 2001 Summer Deaflympic Games- Rome
Mr. Francesco Massa representing Italian Deaf Sports Federation (FISS) came forward to give some up to date information relating transportation and admission to events.
- Progress Report from 2003 Winter Deaflympic Games- Sundsvall
Mr. Arne Lundquist, President of Swedish Deaf Sports Federation (SDI) introduced a committee of 5 people for a ten minute report.
- Progress Report from 2005 Summer Deaflympic Games- Melbourne
Mr. David Peters, President of Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) introduced Mr. Dean Barton Smith, a former Deaflympic decathlete and Chair of the 2005 Organizing Committee for a ten-minute power-point presentation.
- Selection of the 2007 Winter Deaflympic Games Site
With Japan's last minute withdrawal, there were no other candidate cities. However, CISS has received verbal interest from France and Italy. Submission with supporting documents must be sent to CISS Secretariat no later than 31 December 2001.
- Election of CISS Executive Committee for 2001-2005
All officers were elected by acclamation- as follows:
- President: John M. LOVETT (AUS) - unopposed
- Vice President: Renzo CORTI (ITA) - unopposed
- Secretary-General: Donalda K. AMMONS (USA) - unopposed
- Treasurer: Ole ARTMANN (DEN) - unopposed
- 1st Member: Vojtech VOLEJNIK (CZE)*
- 2nd Member: Dogan OZDEMIR (TUR)*
*Note: Isabelle Malurie of France withdrew her nomination from the vice-president and member list, Harpalis Alwi of Indonesia's candidacy for member was not accepted since he was not present at the Congress and his Federation was not available. Rafael Pinchas's member nomination was later declared ineligible.
Regional Representatives:- EDSO Rep.: Lennart EDWALL (SWE)
- Asia/Pacific Rep.: Kuo-tung CHOU (TPE)
a) USA:
Proposal: CISS sets up a take force to study the relationship between CISS and members regarding the market and media rights in their own countries and the plan is to be submitted to the Congress in 2003 at the latest. Until the plan is implemented, the CISS shall reach separate agreements with individual members (countries), effective after the 2001 Games and the agreement may be superseded with the official plan to be approved by the 2003 Congress.
CISS's response: CISS Executive Committee favors this and welcomes open dialogue.
Outcome: Representatives from USA Deaf Sports Federation and CISS will meet in Washington DC in early October of 2001 to discuss this matter at greater depth.
b) Denmark:
Christine Buchwald released the final and official results of 1997 Deaf World Games when her presentation was interrupted by the collapse and later death of Mr. Sean Kelly, President of Irish Deaf Sports Federation.
The meeting was declared adjourned by President Lovett at 17:25 who then determined that it was not feasible to officially close the Congress due to the tragic circumstances.
Session Times
Friday 20 July: 9:30-11:00, 11:30-13:00, & 15:00-17:00
Saturday 21 July 9:15-11:00, 11:30-13:00, & 15:00-17:25